Produkt zum Begriff Applications:
8088 and 8086 Microprocessors, The: Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware, and Applications
The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed. For one or two-semester courses in Microprocessors or Intel 16-32 Bit Chips. Future designers of microprocessor-based electronic equipment need a systems-level understanding of the 80x86 microcomputer. This text offers thorough, balanced, and practical coverage of both software and hardware topics. Basic concepts are developed using the 8088 and 8086 microprocessors, but the 32-bit versions of the 80x86 family are also discussed. The authors examine how to assemble, run, and debug programs, and how to build, test, and troubleshoot interface circuits.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - A Guide to Building Cloud Native Applications
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: A Guide to Building Cloud Native Applications Cloud native development is a modern approach to designing, building, deploying, and managing applications. This approach takes advantage of the benefits of utility computing from providers, such as Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), and emphasizes automation, elasticity, and resilience. OCI is a next-generation cloud designed to run any application faster and more securely for less. It includes the tools used to build new cloud native applications and to run existing enterprise applications without rearchitecting them. Whether you are new to the cloud or just new to OCI, this book provides an overview of the OCI services needed to build cloud native applications. You will learn OCI concepts and terminology How to manage Infrastructure as Code using modern tools and platforms OCIs breadth of cloud native services How to operate the managed Kubernetes service (Container Engine for Kubernetes) at scale How to configure a cluster for advanced use cases, and use specialized hardware capabilities How to use cloud native application deployment platforms and observability tools How to secure applications, data, and the underlying infrastructure using open-source and OCI native security tools and processes The culmination of the book is an open-source sample application composed of microservices that incorporates the tools and concepts shared throughout the book and is available on GitHub.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Building Applications in the Cloud: Concepts, Patterns, and Projects
Following the familiar “Design Patterns” format, expert cloud developer Chris Moyer introduces proven patterns for cloud platforms from Amazon, Google, and other providers. Moyer demonstrates these patterns at work through extensive example code and case study applications for Amazon Web Services (AWS). As you increasingly move to the cloud, you’ll constantly encounter the challenges this book solves. You’ll rely on it for years–whenever you need a cloud solution you can trust.
Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Fluid Power with Applications
For sophomore- or junior-level courses in Fluid Power, Hydraulics, and Pneumatics in two- or four-year Engineering Technology and Industrial Technology programs. Fluid Power with Applications presents broad coverage of fluid power technology in a readable and understandable fashion. An extensive array of industrial applications is provided to motivate and stimulate students' interest in the field. Balancing theory and applications, this text is updated to reflect current technology; it focuses on the design, analysis, operation, and maintenance of fluid power systems. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was ist die nachfolgende Technologie für HTML Applications (HTA)?
Die nachfolgende Technologie für HTML Applications (HTA) ist die Progressive Web App (PWA). PWAs sind Webanwendungen, die sich wie native Apps verhalten und auf verschiedenen Plattformen und Geräten funktionieren. Sie bieten eine bessere Benutzererfahrung und können offline verwendet werden.
Wie kann ich OOP (Objektorientierte Programmierung) mit VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) umsetzen?
Um OOP mit VBA umzusetzen, kannst du Klassen erstellen, die Eigenschaften und Methoden enthalten. Du kannst dann Objekte dieser Klassen erstellen und auf ihre Eigenschaften und Methoden zugreifen. Du kannst auch Vererbung verwenden, um Klassen zu erweitern und gemeinsame Eigenschaften und Methoden zu erben.
Wie können Virtual Machines in verschiedenen Bereichen wie IT-Infrastruktur, Cloud-Computing und Software-Entwicklung eingesetzt werden?
Virtual Machines können in der IT-Infrastruktur eingesetzt werden, um verschiedene Betriebssysteme und Anwendungen auf einer physischen Maschine zu konsolidieren und Ressourcen effizienter zu nutzen. Im Bereich des Cloud-Computing ermöglichen Virtual Machines die Bereitstellung von skalierbaren und flexiblen Ressourcen für Anwendungen und Dienste. In der Software-Entwicklung können Entwickler Virtual Machines verwenden, um verschiedene Entwicklungsumgebungen zu isolieren und zu verwalten, was die Konsistenz und Portabilität von Anwendungen verbessert. Darüber hinaus ermöglichen Virtual Machines die schnelle Bereitstellung von Testumgebungen und die Wiederherstellung von Systemen im Falle eines Ausfalls.
Was sind die wichtigsten Anwendungsfälle für virtuelle Maschinen in den Bereichen IT-Infrastruktur, Cloud-Computing und Software-Entwicklung?
Virtuelle Maschinen werden in der IT-Infrastruktur eingesetzt, um verschiedene Betriebssysteme und Anwendungen auf einer einzigen physischen Hardware zu konsolidieren und Ressourcen effizienter zu nutzen. Im Bereich des Cloud-Computing ermöglichen virtuelle Maschinen die schnelle Bereitstellung und Skalierung von Ressourcen, um den Bedarf an Rechenleistung und Speicher zu decken. In der Software-Entwicklung werden virtuelle Maschinen verwendet, um eine konsistente und isolierte Umgebung für die Entwicklung, Tests und Bereitstellung von Anwendungen bereitzustellen. Darüber hinaus ermöglichen virtuelle Maschinen die einfache Migration von Anwendungen zwischen verschiedenen Umgebungen und die Wiederherstellung von Systemen im Falle eines Ausfalls.
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Reactive Messaging Patterns with the Actor Model: Applications and Integration in Scala and Akka
USE THE ACTOR MODEL TO BUILD SIMPLER SYSTEMS WITH BETTER PERFORMANCE AND SCALABILITY Enterprise software development has been much more difficult and failure-prone than it needs to be. Now, veteran software engineer and author Vaughn Vernon offers an easier and more rewarding method to succeeding with Actor model. Reactive Messaging Patterns with the Actor Model shows how the reactive enterprise approach, Actor model, Scala, and Akka can help you overcome previous limits of performance and scalability, and skillfully address even the most challenging non-functional requirements. Reflecting his own cutting-edge work, Vernon shows architects and developers how to translate the longtime promises of Actor model into practical reality. First, he introduces the tenets of reactive software, and shows how the message-driven Actor model addresses all of them–making it possible to build systems that are more responsive, resilient, and elastic. Next, he presents a practical Scala bootstrap tutorial, a thorough introduction to Akka and Akka Cluster, and a full chapter on maximizing performance and scalability with Scala and Akka. Building on this foundation, you’ll learn to apply enterprise application and integration patterns to establish message channels and endpoints; efficiently construct, route, and transform messages; and build robust systems that are simpler and far more successful. Coverage Includes How reactive architecture replaces complexity with simplicity throughout the core, middle, and edgesThe characteristics of actors and actor systems, and how Akka makes them more powerfulBuilding systems that perform at scale on one or many computing nodesEstablishing channel mechanisms, and choosing appropriate channels for each application and integration challengeConstructing messages to clearly convey a sender’s intent in communicating with a receiverImplementing a Process Manager for your Domain-Driven Designs Decoupling a message’s source and destination, and integrating appropriate business logic into its routerUnderstanding the transformations a message may experience in applications and integrationsImplementing persistent actors using Event Sourcing and reactive views using CQRS Find unique online training on Domain-Driven Design, Scala, Akka, and other software craftsmanship topics using the for{comprehension} website at
Preis: 28.88 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Calculus & Its Applications, Global Edition
Calculus & Its Applications builds intuition with key concepts of calculus before the analytical material. For example, the authors explain the derivative geometrically before they present limits, and they introduce the definite integral intuitively via the notion of net change before they discuss Riemann sums. The strategic organisation of topics makes it easy to adjust the level of theoretical material covered. The significant applications introduced early in the course serve to motivate students and make the mathematics more accessible. Another unique aspect of the text is its intuitive use of differential equations to model a variety of phenomena in Chapter 5, which addresses applications of exponential and logarithmic functions. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Fullstack GraphQL Applications with GRANDstack
GraphQL radically improves the efficiency of web APIs, reducing the number of requests and the volume of data in-transit within your web applications. You can amplify the benefits of GraphQL by adjusting your stack to match GraphQL’s more natural representation of your data as a graph. In Fullstack GraphQL Applications with GRANDstack you’ll learn to build graph-aware end-to-end web applications using GraphQL, React, Apollo, and the Neo4j graph database.about the technologyOver-fetching or under-fetching data from REST APIs makes your applications slow and unreliable, especially over weak mobile network connections. The GraphQL query language offers a solution with a new API paradigm, reducing loads by constructing precise graph-based data requests. By adapting your application’s design and data store to leverage graphs throughout the stack, you decrease friction by using a consistent data model improving developer productivity, performance and maintainability. The combination of GraphQL, React, Apollo, and Neo4j Database, aka “the GRANDstack,” provides an easily adoptable end-to-end solution perfect for building fullstack GraphQL applications.about the bookFullstack GraphQL Applications with GRANDstack teaches you to leverage the power of GraphQL to create modern APIs that streamline data loads by allowing client applications to selectively fetch only the data required. contributor and GraphQL Foundation member William Lyon teaches you everything you need to know to design, deploy, and maintain a GraphQL API from scratch and create graph-aware fullstack web applications. In this project-driven book, you’ll build a complete business reviews application using the cutting-edge GRANDstack, learning how the different parts fit together. Chapter-by-chapter, you’ll master creating a GraphQL service with Apollo Server, modelling a GraphQL API with GraphQL type definitions, installing the Neo4j Database on different platforms, and more. By the time you’re done, you’ll be able to deploy all of the components of a serverless fullstack application in a secure and cost-effective way that takes full advantage of GraphQL’s performance capabilities. Along the way, you’ll also get tips for applying these techniques to other stacks. what's insideBuilding the backend functionality of a GraphQL applicationHandling authentication and authorization with GraphQLImplementing pagination and rate limiting in a GraphQL APICreate a basic frontend application using React and Apollo Clientabout the readerAimed at developers comfortable building web applications using tools like Django, Rails, or MEAN stack and standard SQL-based databases. No experience with GraphQL or graph databases required.about the authorWilliam Lyon is a software developer at Neo4j, working on integrations with other technologies and helping users build applications with Neo4j. He is the creator and maintainer of neo4j-graphql.js, a JavaScript library for creating GraphQL APIs, and is a contributor to He serves as Neo4j’s representative on the GraphQL Foundation.
Preis: 49.21 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices & Applications
For DC/AC Circuits courses requiring a comprehensive, all inclusive text covering basic DC/AC Circuit fundamentals with additional chapters on Devices. This renowned text offers a comprehensive yet practical exploration of basic electrical and electronic concepts, hands-on applications, and troubleshooting. Written in a clear and accessible narrative, the 7th Edition focuses on fundamental principles and their applications to solving real circuit analysis problems, and devotes six chapters to examining electronic devices. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie kann die Verwendung von Cloud-Speicher die Effizienz und Sicherheit von Daten in den Bereichen Unternehmensführung, IT-Infrastruktur und persönlicher Datenspeicherung verbessern?
Die Verwendung von Cloud-Speicher ermöglicht es Unternehmen, ihre Daten effizient zu speichern, zu organisieren und zu sichern, was zu einer verbesserten Unternehmensführung führt. Durch die Nutzung von Cloud-Speicher können Unternehmen ihre IT-Infrastruktur optimieren, indem sie die Notwendigkeit physischer Speichergeräte reduzieren und die Skalierbarkeit erhöhen. Persönliche Datenspeicherung in der Cloud bietet Benutzern die Möglichkeit, ihre Daten von überall aus zu sichern und darauf zuzugreifen, was die Sicherheit und Flexibilität erhöht. Darüber hinaus bieten viele Cloud-Speicheranbieter fortschrittliche Sicherheitsfunktionen wie Verschlüsselung und Zugriffskontrollen, die die Sicherheit der gespeicherten Daten gewährleisten.
In welchen Bereichen werden Anwendungen (Applications) am häufigsten eingesetzt und wie beeinflussen sie die Arbeitsweise in den Bereichen Technologie, Gesundheitswesen, Bildung und Unterhaltung?
Anwendungen werden am häufigsten in den Bereichen Technologie, Gesundheitswesen, Bildung und Unterhaltung eingesetzt. In der Technologiebranche ermöglichen Anwendungen effizientere Arbeitsabläufe und die Entwicklung neuer Produkte. Im Gesundheitswesen verbessern Anwendungen die Patientenversorgung und ermöglichen den Zugang zu medizinischen Informationen. In der Bildung unterstützen Anwendungen das Lernen und bieten interaktive Lernmöglichkeiten. Im Bereich Unterhaltung bieten Anwendungen vielfältige Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten und ermöglichen den Zugang zu Musik, Filmen und Spielen.
Wie kann die Virtualisierungsumgebung die Effizienz und Flexibilität in den Bereichen IT-Infrastruktur, Cloud-Computing und Software-Entwicklung verbessern?
Die Virtualisierungsumgebung ermöglicht die Konsolidierung von Servern, was zu einer effizienteren Nutzung von Hardware-Ressourcen führt. Durch die Virtualisierung können Unternehmen ihre IT-Infrastruktur flexibler skalieren und anpassen, um sich schnell verändernde Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Im Bereich Cloud-Computing ermöglicht die Virtualisierung eine dynamische Bereitstellung von Ressourcen, um die Nachfrage der Benutzer zu erfüllen. In der Software-Entwicklung ermöglicht die Virtualisierungsumgebung die Erstellung und Bereitstellung von Anwendungen in isolierten Umgebungen, was die Entwicklungseffizienz und -flexibilität verbessert.
Wie kann die Virtualisierungsumgebung die Effizienz und Flexibilität in den Bereichen IT-Infrastruktur, Cloud-Computing und Software-Entwicklung verbessern?
Die Virtualisierungsumgebung ermöglicht die Konsolidierung von Servern, was zu einer effizienteren Nutzung der Hardware-Ressourcen führt. Durch die Virtualisierung können Unternehmen ihre IT-Infrastruktur flexibler skalieren und anpassen, um sich schnell verändernde Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Im Bereich Cloud-Computing ermöglicht die Virtualisierung eine dynamische Bereitstellung von Ressourcen, um die Nachfrage der Benutzer zu erfüllen. In der Software-Entwicklung ermöglicht die Virtualisierungsumgebung die Erstellung und Bereitstellung von Anwendungen in isolierten Umgebungen, was die Entwicklungseffizienz und -flexibilität verbessert.
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